You have 14 days to make a refund, from the moment you receive the goods! If you want to make a refund, please contact us via Contact

Say "Hi! I want to exchange my clothes"

And we will send you some questions on your Email

Faulty Items Returns
If you receive an item which:
  • is damaged, defective or not of acceptable quality;
  • is not fit for its intended purpose; or
  • does not match its description.
You can request a return within 14 days of receipt! It is better if you make a return as soon as possible, please contact us!
If you want to make an exchange, please contact us

The goods must be securely packaged in their original form to avoid damage during transport during return delivery

Returned goods must be unused, with original packaging. We do not accept the return of goods that have been worn out, damaged, marked, washed or altered in any way.

The cost of return delivery is paid by the customer!

Please contact us to create a return application, and we send you the address to which you need to send the goods! Thank you
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